Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Backyard farming in seattle, Backyard chickens, Planting bags, lunar planting days, tiger woods golf 2012

Monday was fun . We planned on doing a lot more than we did on  lunar planting day... but the skies opened up on us. We Western Washington folk are pretty tough when it comes to rain.  But after about 4 hours Jimmy and I were wet and cold and muddy and started to snark at each other.  So, we called  'nuff', put away the tools and surveyed our work before heading  in to hot showers and tigers woods golf..   But before giving in to rain and cold we managed to get our homemade planting bags full of soil and full of peas and potatoes.  The area along our side fence gets almost no sun which is perfect for growing snow peas all  season.   But no matter how much we amend the soil in that bed (which is about 16 inches wide and 7 feet long) the   large decorative shrubs on the other side of the fence suck up all the nutrients and provide homes for  bugs.  These bags are our solution to make a rich  and protected raised home for the roots of our snow peas. .  I also made a huge bag for growing potatoes. We have a bed dedicated to potatoes but it just doesn't provide enough fruit for my  Jimmys words..... "potato lovin' Irish soul".  You cant tell by the photo below but there is at least 1/4 cubic yard of soil in this bag. I also felt confident enough to put  my  salvaged 'sprouted' brussel sprouts in the ground. They look great and have actually grown since I dropped them in the bed.  Saturday is another great planting day and the rest of the  ground seeded vegetables will go in then.
The chickens have acclimated pretty well to their new  status. So well, that tomorrow they well begin daily  sojourns into their extended grassy  run.
Yep, Things are off to a good start this spring at Frankie and Jimmys  little backyard farm!

Planting bags for snow peas all full of seeds and hope next to sunless fence.

 Potato bag....way bigger than it looks in the photo, 2 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot, and then it spread even bigger when we put in the soil.
 Transplanted sprouts in sprout bed
 A close up of one of the sprouts

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