Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Photos of up cycled table and chairs, farm and tractor paint

My  'new' garden set.  I wanted to wait and take  the photos outside but, its been raining since  I finished them.  So, I set it up in the  living room just for pictures. For those who haven't read the previous blog on this.  Jimmy and I have been looking for furniture  for the veranda and  the stuff that is being sold  to the general public...... is just butt-ugly.  So,  I took  a graffitied  small table from my studio (found in a back alley of the u-district) and a couple of chairs that I bought from goodwill  about 6 years  ago. I  took them apart and painted them and recovered the chair seats in some vinyl  leftover from one of Jimmy's halloween costumes  from a couple of years ago. I painted them with  oil based enamel 'farm and tractor' paint.  This paint is great....  very hard, very waterproof.  I am  pleased with the end product. I think it is charming and garden-y.

We start with this

Then do this

up cycled table and chairs

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