Thursday, February 23, 2012

Back online, every body is in the new place ,Jimmy wont leave

Just a short note this morning to let you  know I am back online.  I missed the internet.  We have a few more days of cleaning the old place and putting it back to the way it was before we started  micro farming.  But everyone is moved to the new place.  Sort of ... I have to catch the fish today.  Cat, chickens,turtle,mothers,plants are all thriving in the new location.  The plants were immediately happy with  all the natural light  they get and have grown  since we brought them over. The cat refused to acknowledge that I exist for the first three days we were here.  She is still giving me the tail but I cant really care until we are fully settled in.  And I might not care even after that. She hasn't packed or moved one box, she doesn't lay eggs and she doesn't pay rent.  She can pout in the corner for the next 3 months as long as she stays out of the way! Its getting harder to get Jimmy to go over to the old place and finish  things up. He's in love with his new home and doesn't want to leave it.  We have been arguing over what to call it.  He has been trying to call it  by the original native american name ...but he cant  pronounce  it .  I want to call it  Mystic Cedars (you will see why when I get the photos up)  He thinks its to hippiefroofroo.   But I think I am going to call it that anyway.  Hash and the girls seem to like it here.  They managed to get out of the nice big pen  and I found them happily  foraging by the back stream.  I could do a whole blog on the moving of the chicken coop.  It took a whole day ,6 guys and a  dump truck with a winch.  Guess that 's what happens when you build a 500 pound  bullet proof , bomb shelter  for a bunch of birds.  But its done ....Thank the gods!  Now I have to go make the old pen look like they were never there.    

1 comment:

  1. I think things would have gone more efficiently if it had been a dump truck with a wench. Wenches know how to get the guys to do it right!

